I really appreciate you words and your honesty!

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Your prose, as well as your poetry, are living things, offspring, children you birth and nurture. Every paragraph of an application, as well as each story, every post. Perhaps the legal writing is not a problem because you don't birth that, it's not the same creative process.

"Let it sit" is the same as "let them grow". Every child needs time, we can't force their growth. (maturity) In the meantime, we are often embarrassed. It's just the nature of relationships. YOU are not each thing you write. Each thing you write needs time to mature, come into its own.

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and Lish's edit to Carver's story - holy cow! PROFOUND difference! I'm going to be thinking about this for a long time... the necessity of letting go of ego when entrusting another with your work. The need to trust and respect that person explicitly. And the selflessness of the editor... wow.

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